Stephen Taylor Architects
On site at Golf Links Estate – our 143 unit housing scheme in Ealing
On site at Golf Links Estate – here the stair construction in process
7th RWTH Aachen Conference “Identity of Architecture” on the topic of “Time”
Stephen Taylor Architects featured in the publication ‘Forderungen der Zeit WHONEN’
Planning consent for our 6 mews houses scheme in Fulham
London Metropolitan University End of Year Show 2024
Upcoming lecture at Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst
AA Symposium ‘Continuity and Innovation’
Student exhibition at the Musée du Gevaudan
Harvard Mansions featured in ‘At Home in London: The Mansion Block’
Moore Park Road model featured in the RA Summer Exhibition 2023
Opening of our student exhibition in Florac
Lecture at the University of the Creative Arts, Canterbury
Architecture and Urbanism (A+U) Framework
Our canal side roof top extension in Hackney has just been submitted for planning
The Architecture of the Shakers
Planning consent for 145 new PassivHaus social homes
Lecture at the Fritz Schumacher Gesellschaft
Planning application granted for residential project in Southwark
Lecture at the university of Aachen, Germany
Planning consent for our single family house in Surrey
Site progress at the Moulin de Croisance
Exhibition “Continuité et Cohérence” in Saint-Germain-de-Calberte, France
Red Lion Boys’ club
Planning application submitted for residential project in Guildford
Planning application submitted in Greece for our residential project in Naxos
Golf Links
Bonding Brick #4
Chance Street: David Adjaye, Stephen Taylor & 6a discuss architectural legacy with David Ogunmuyiwa
Planning application submitted for residential project in Hemel Hempstead
Urbanism is the mother of all architecture
Theatre of the stair
Planning application submitted for Phase 1 of the de Beauvoir Estate
RIBA National Award for Moore Park Mews
2021 RIBA London Awards for Aikin Terrace and Moore Park Mews
RIBA Awards London Shortlist
Second Phase of De Beauvoir
Barbican Lecture
“Housing and the city it forms”, a lecture given by Stephen at the University of Edinburgh.
Moore Park Road
UK Architects Declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency
AJ Architecture Awards Shortlist
NLA award winner
Public Housing: a London Renaissance
Site progress on Moore Park Road
Stephen talks with Eileen Liebman
“working with fragility”, a lecture given by Stephen at Cork School of Architecture.
Aikin Court was featured in the Architect’s Journal
Plashet Road
Aikin Court
Newham Small Sites competition win
Stephen is giving a lecture at the Oslo School of Architecture
ADUP framework
Nightingale Estate book
De Beauvoir Estate regeneration
Plashet Road progress
Plashet Road progress
Poets’ Corner masterplan
Vyner Street
Lecture at BOZAR
Social Housing exhibition
An article in Domus magazine